Jeffrey Kluever
2018 has been a remarkable year for our organization, highlighted by membership retention and growth and an expansion of the solutions BHCG offers to member employers to address critical health care and benefit issues. With 2019 almost upon us, now is an appropriate time to outline some of our organization's goals for the new year.
A Banner Year
As I reflect on this past year, it’s safe to say the achievements of our organization were truly outstanding. While too numerous to list in their entirety, here are some of the more notable accomplishments of 2018:
- Retention of all our member employers and the addition of eight new member employers, including several in northeastern Wisconsin
- Selection of Navitus as our pharmacy benefit management partner
- Development of a three-year strategic plan
- A series of successful, well-attended educational events (available to all interested stakeholders) that offered in-depth information about:
- The opioid crisis
- Engaging employees and building cultures of health
- The BHCG/Navitus partnership
- The Milwaukee Health Care Partnership
- The Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers
- Creating and expanding onsite clinics
- What is driving the rising cost of health care and what employers can do about it
- Seven member Benefit Forums held throughout the year to share information among member employers and from BHCG vendors and partners
- Inaugural BHCG golf outing which raised $10,000 for the Sixteenth Street Health Centers
- Launch of a new BHCG publication – Spotlight on Success – featuring stories about organizations and individuals who have leveraged the value of their partnership with BHCG to create success for their organization, BHCG and the community
- Addition of an Engagement Solutions communications module devoted to CHANGE MANAGEMENT to help employers manage changes throughout their organization, including transforming employees into more active, knowledgeable consumers of health care
Annual Meeting Set for Fiserv Forum
The leadership of our organization has set out an ambitious agenda for 2019! We will kick-off the year with our annual meeting on January 23 at the new Fiserv Forum. We have an exciting morning planned. Join us and get the first look at our three-year strategic plan and maybe your first look at the Fiserv Forum – after the meeting attendees are invited for a guided tour of the facility.
Navitus Partnership Begins
Our recently announced partnership with Navitus Health Solutions offers member employers and non-member employers access to a transformative pharmacy benefit management program that directly aligns with employers’ objectives. Employers nationwide will now have access to an industry changing solution, preferred pricing and performance guarantees to tackle this ever-increasing portion of health care costs. Throughout 2019 we expect more BHCG member employers and non-members will move to Navitus as their pharmacy benefit management solution.
During 2019 we also plan to add to our already extensive line-up of diverse employer solutions to address the toughest issues facing employers in managing their health care benefit programs. We look forward to introducing them to you throughout the year!
As always, thank you for your support this year. Warmest greetings for the holiday season and best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year!
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 262-875-3312 x1 or jkluever@BHCGWI.org if you have questions or would like to learn more about BHCG.