Business Health Care Group
Golf Outing
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Benefitting the Sixteenth Street Clinic
Kettle Hills Golf Course
3375 State Highway 167
Richfield, WI 53076
Please join us for a day of fun! Limited space, sign up early.
Registration/Putting Contest: 8:00 a.m.
Shotgun Start/Scramble Format: 9:00 a.m.
Cost: $125 per person; $500/foursome
Includes sandwich buffet at the turn, beverage tickets & appetizers after event
Bloody Mary Bar & Auction Items to benefit the Clinic
Raffles and “On Course Contests”
Can you help?
There are several ways that you can further our efforts to support the Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers: Hole Sponsors, Auction Items, In-Kind Contributions – any amount is greatly appreciated! Learn More.
Need more information or to RSVP? To register your foursome or yourself, please contact Joleen Hohl at 262-875-3312 ext. 2 or
Please click the link below to pay for your group or make check payable to the Sixteenth Street Clinic and mail to BHCG. Please enter the appropriate amount ($125 per person; $500/foursome) in the payment field. If you wish, you may contribute additional funds, which we will donate to the Sixteenth Street Clinic.